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The Future Belongs To Those Who Prepare For It Today

The Future Belongs To Those Who Prepare For It Today - Malcom X

The Future Belongs To Those Who Prepare For It Today

While we are sitting there thinking about the future, we are not taking the steps that are needed. Is it because we feel that they are always impossible to start?

Hard work pays off no matter what your goals are in life. Don't tease yourself if you are not going to take the steps to slowly get what you deserve the most. 

If you set your mind on the future you want to obtain, start building the present to equal just that.

You will only achieve what you deserve if you care about it in consistent progress on a daily basis.

If you are hungry for something there is no other choice but to go after it in a orderly fashion.

Just as the video shows, the future is hard work that needs someone consistent like yourself to build it.

It doesn’t stop until it is complete, it really just takes you to start caring more about it.

We all have the future visions inside of us. The next step is to get their by preparing for it today.

You may work full time at your job and run errands. You are already on an extremely busy schedule and are just completely tired daily from it all.

If you continue this process without thinking about what you can provide to create a better future though, that future will remain empty due to the lack of effort.

Do small simple projects that are not as time consuming such as an example of picking up a piece of trash on the road and posting it to Facebook because it made a difference.

Other people will see that and end up possibly doing that same thing too because they can see that one purpose at a high scale of many of us doing it will make the impact we are all supposed to do in order to come together as a team.

The point is find out different things that will improve our society as a whole for the future instead of consistently thinking that someone else will do it so it’s not your responsibility.

Many already do well preparing for the future today but unfortunately there are never always never enough to make us even stronger than we can ever be.