Don't feel like your life is over if something dramatic has happened to you.
Seek out the beautiful moon from time to time if you must to grow your comfort
You have to keep your head up and just simply go after what you deserve by hanging on to your inner soul.
There is a lot that you still have to do because you haven't done it all yet.
Life brings us so many angles of adventure that it is impossible to get to all that is available.
The best chance that you have at being happy is letting go all the negative that you no longer care about in your life.
Snap into your own reality of what is bright for your future not others.
If you are at the point that you just can't take it anymore, take away that pain by letting it go and pursuing a whole new you.
We are only here for so long and have to enjoy it as much as possible.
Failure is not an option at becoming happy by you being strong at it.
It is not selfish for you to be happy, just do it.
It is unfortunate if you keep taking others words that are only there to harm you.
Figure things out for yourself and don't be upset if others are against it.
It is your path and yours alone.
They have nothing to do with it and remember that you earned it.
Be kind whenever possible but ignore when negative gets placed in front of you.
It is no longer necessary to let that into your life.
If it is around, get rid of it and ignore it as long as you have to because you know it is no good for where you are headed.
God understands if you just can't take any of that bad around you anymore.
Be responsible in your own way not what others expect out of you.
It might be possible that they expect too much and will hassle you about it until you get to the point where all your confidence gets drained.
Don't let that happen, take the safe route and stay away from that.
It is stupid to continue giving others your time if they don't deserve it.
Your happiness will come from you taking out all negativity.
Be you as soon as you possibly can because the time is ticking and it is your chance to be happy.
They will be happy in their own ways eventually if God thinks that they deserve that.
It isn't up to you nor is your fault if you walk away from it.